Women in Tech: Breaking Past Barriers in the Tech Industry with Jama Temirova (Part 1)

We asked Jama to share her stories, tips and expertise in working, leading and advancing in the tech industry.

How were you able to succeed in the tech industry?

Jama described succeeding in tech as “not only an uphill battle for women, but also for men, LGBTQ communities and anyone else looking to work in tech.”

“As you climb up, the positions become fewer, and the competition becomes better”

Tell us about the uphill battle as a woman of colour in working in the tech industry?

Jama does not think of herself as a woman of colour because that term is developed base on the history of colonization.

As best quoted by Jama:

” I have an allergic reaction to being called woman of colour”

Jama revealed her top three tips to success:

“Acknowledging that you are competing for that position among peers that are the best.”

“What price are you willing to pay.”

“Being able to acknowledge “that the [tech industry] is, fortunately, changing due to millennials.”

Even with changes in tech, women still struggle against social pressures. Jama shared with us about her struggles with “superwoman syndrome” as she returned back to work after two months of maternity leave.

Jama felt the need to present a “well-put-together” image to her peers, but in reality, she was exhausted and reflected that she should have been more open about her struggles rather than to conceal it.

Register now to be part of our Mentor Moments program and check out Locelle Teams to meet more of our amazing mentors.

To learn more, watch our full interview with Jama here or connect with Jama on Linkedin to learn more about Jama Temirova Consulting

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