Paulina Cameron, CEO of Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE) discusses the importance of a healthy work-life balance and how she…
Victoria, B.C., November 17, 2020: Locelle, a Victoria based startup has been selected to be part of this year’s PitchfestNW….
We discuss the power of negotiation for women in the tech industry and hear what Jama’s experience has taught her regarding negotiation tactics and techniques for women in a male-dominated industry.
Feeling Burnout? Join us as we discussion the common signs of burnout. Learn how to successfully navigate burnout with our amazing guest speaker, Melanie Ewan, who shared her stories and tips on experiencing and overcoming the effects of burnout.
Continuing as part of our interview with Jama Temirova, the second part of our interview focus on Jama’s advice in leadership, confidence and negotiation as she shared her experiences in working with both male and female leaders.