On April 14, 2020, RocketBuilders released its eighteenth (18th) annual “Ready to Rocket” lists and Locelle earned its spot as the Emerging Rocket in ICT category.
The “Ready to Rocket” lists are the only predictive lists of its kind in North America, requiring many months of sector and company analysis.
“Over the 18 years of the program, the B.C. technology sector has steadily grown each year, and presents a growing challenge to select and identify the most likely to succeed for our Ready to Rocket lists.” said Geoffrey Hansen, Managing Partner at Rocket Builders.
“It has been quite the journey for our team at Locelle over the last two years. As a bootstrapped start-up, our team is extremely proud to be recognized,” said Humaira Ahmed, Founder and CEO of Locelle.

Locelle has nearly 2,000 members across the world using the platform with companies signing up to offer it as a social health benefit to the women at work through the corporation solution.
“We are constantly iterating as the needs of women at work evolve. That is the best part about being a start-up – our ability to be agile and iterate quickly to serve our clients and members,” said Humaira Ahmed.
Amid the challenges of COVID-19, especially those surrounding mental health, it’s imperative that women can continue to connect and support each other. No wonder Locelle has seen a surge in usage, with new registrants across Canada and tellingly in New York City, which has
been especially hard-hit by the pandemic.
About Locelle
Locelle is a private platform that helps women connect with each other for support and networking, as well as learning to help them navigate challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
About the Rocket Recognition Program
The Rocket Recognition Program features two branded lists of companies. The “Ready to Rocket” list profiles information technology companies with the greatest potential for revenue growth in the coming year. The “Emerging Rockets” list profiles technology companies from multiple technology sectors with great potential for investment and market breakthroughs in the coming year. Both lists are predictive of future success making them unique in approach and unique in value for our business audience. “Ready to Rocket” and “Emerging Rockets: are trademarks of Rocket Builders, a respected management consulting firm servicing the technology industry.