Black women in tech: the diversity within the industry and how it can be even more inclusive


A report by the Center for The Future of Work, created by Cognizant Technology Solutions, which is an American technology company, informed that several technology-related jobs should be part of our everyday life by 2030 and that the demand for professionals in this area should grow considerably. 

Although so many opportunities are arising, most technology positions are still occupied by cisgender white men. When we increase the filter and talk about black women in the tech market, this number drops even more.

According to National Centre for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), of the 25% of women working in tech, Black women account for only 3%. Research from the British Computer Society (BCS) also shows Black women account for just 0.7 per cent of IT roles, 2.5 times below the level of other professions. 

The tech industry is evolving and, more than ever, it is necessary for companies to evolve as well in the pursuit of a common goal: increasing representation within technology. 

The first step, and one of the most important, is to give women a leading role in tech, placing them in leadership positions and encouraging the sharing of knowledge through mentoring and workshops for women, and also encouraging the hiring of women for entry-level positions in the field. 

It does not stop there. Helping women develop and grow to step into leadership is just one way we can create a diverse leadership pipeline for an equitable future for all.

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